ODETTE SYNCRO DELJIT Broadcast monitor and Label Printer. Instructions.
Download and run the MSAccess97 broadcast monitor and predicted sequence file readers.
To run on MSAccess2000 create a new database file and import all the tables, queries,
forms, reports, macros and modules from the downloaded file.
Open a module and use tools and preferences to enable a reference to MS DAO
- suggest use the highest numbered version: 3.6
The broadcast monitor uses a linked table reference to the predicted sequence reader file.
Use the linked table manager to re-establish this link to the directory where the predicted
sequence translator is located.
Running on MSAccess97 will self open form frmWatchForBCast, if converted to MSAccess2000 then
open this form.
Whenever a file arrives in the directory listed it is read and if a valid broadcast file
then the VIN, broadcast date, time and actual sequence are stored in a table.
The link to the predicted sequence data table is then used to automaticaly print labels for this VIN.
After printing the file is deleted.
This monitor is not fully tested but is quite straightforward, so hopefully is OK.
The line on the form spins to show that the folder is still being monitored.
Contact me if difficulties experienced