Big list of words |
3.1 Mb |
Approx 142,000 'words' |
Created in two stages. First, a table of all combinations of lower case characters up to a 4 chars long was created. All entries checked for spelling using the MSWord spell checker with language as English-US. All valid combinations put into a table. Second, code was used to read partially encoded files rich in ascii words. Code stripped non alpha characters then
checked remaining potential words using the MSWord spell checker with language as English-US. The table includes words that passed the spell check and includes all the MSWord suggested options for words that failed the spell check. It is likely that common word endings, such as 'ing', 'ed', etc were compressed in the source files, so may not exist in this table, though 's' was checked as a word ending for all records.
Medium list of words |
1.3 Mb |
Approx 62,000 'words' |
Using the big list of words as a starting point, all words of greater than 9 chars and less than 4 chars removed. All words starting with upper case removed. Words with non-alpha or accented characters removed. |
Medium list of words - UK |
1.3 Mb |
Approx 62,000 'words' |
Using the medium list of words as a starting point, all words rechecked using MSword spellcheck with language set as English-UK. This includes a solver for the 'countdown' tv show word puzzles. |
I'd re-run a UK version of the big list of words if requested. |